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Around Australia
Asia Round Trip 01-02.2006
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BBQ New Farm
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EKKA 2004
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Adelka Graduace
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Mike and Hisae wedding
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Outback: NP Girraween...
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Vánoce, Christmas 2004
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Vylet cislo 2
Vylet cislo 3 - AirShow
Vylet cislo 4 - Glasshouse Mou
Výlet na Sunshine Coast
Wayne Farm II
West End Market
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Diego pics
Stefan And Lawrence
The Gabba Stadium
Czech Republic
cajkarna sraz 2006
Ceske Budejovice a AU sraz
Deti 2
Ostravsko Tour
sraz au lukas
Sraz MZLU 2007
Trebon deti3
Wayne Visit in Czech Republic
Fiji 2005
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The Dino  from Brno wrote on 2008-05-28 at May:29:24 Wed

Penelope, nice to hear from you again and thanks for joining. Did you managed to run Skype? if yous you can catch me at thedino or ICQ 58658629.
penelope  from Aus wrote on 2008-05-26 at May:19:57 Mon

Hey Dino and adela!! i found yr website! haha...Haven't been in contact with yous for soOoo soOo long! Miss the both of u! Anyw, kp in touch at my email add yea! Hope both of u are doing great, cos i am =)
The Dino  from Brno wrote on 2007-09-29 at Sep:57:39 Sat

Great Jock, we are looking forward. Let us know in advance like 2 months before you come so we are not away for vacation also :) Get in touch with Wayne if you need some preparation for this trip, he might describe all the dangerous things that might happend to you here :) You know NT was tough but Czech Republic can be even tougher...
Jock  from Brisbane wrote on 2007-09-28 at Sep:34:39 Fri

Hey, Dino and Adelka

Hope all is well with both of you. I will visit you in (your) Spring next year....So board up your doors and windows! As Baz said, MPM has changed quite a lot since we left Albion.

AdvertisingPo  from us wrote on 2007-09-15 at Sep:09:11 Sat

Hello , my name is Mark and I can help you promote your product or site by leaving a comment on 500 000 sites. It will help you bring massive numbers of visitors to your product or site. Please contact me or icq 389 972 654 if you are interested , thank you
Anikrichard  from usa wrote on 2007-09-05 at Sep:26:22 Wed

hello , my name is Richard and I know you get a lot of spammy comments ,
I can help you with this problem . I know a lot of spammers and I will ask them not to post on your site. It will reduce the volume of spam by 30-50% .In return Id like to ask you to put a link to my site on the index page of your site. The link will be small and your visitors will hardly notice it , its just done for higher rankings in search engines. Contact me icq 454528835 or write me tedirectory(at) , i will give you my site url and you will give me yours if you are interested. thank you
barry THE TWAT  from MPM BRISBANE wrote on 2007-07-20 at Jul:41:42 Fri

Hi Dino, Hope you are well.... It hasn't benn the same since we moved to Eagle Farm.... Jock tells me you may be coming back to Brisbane....Hope to see you if you do ....All the best to you and your wife.... Regards Baz
jock  from Brisbane Australia wrote on 2007-04-06 at Apr:31:22 Fri

Hello Dino and Adelka... Nice talking to you yesterday. I am impressed with your pics. Looked cold when Wayne was there!... Jock
The Dino  from Brno wrote on 2007-04-04 at Apr:41:10 Wed

I have little bit updated the look of photo gallery and added some features. Even the Guestbook is not spammed any more...

Trosku jsem pozmenil vzhled galerie a pridal nejake funkce... A taky uz v guestbooku nejsou ty spamy tak klidne napiste.
Oljefsa  wrote on 2007-03-06 at Mar:31:39 Tue

How are you?
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Around Australia


Thailand 2008
Adelka si ridi sveho slona.
Adelka si ridi sveho slona.

Egypt 2007
Bylo tezke neco vyfotit protoze se porad nekdo umyslne plete do zaberu aby pak mohl loudit baksis. Nevim jestli tyhle skolni vylety mely nekale umysly ale nekdy to bylo unavne porad neco odmitat.
Bylo tezke neco vyfotit protoze se porad nekdo umyslne plete do zaberu aby pak mohl loudit baksis. Nevim jestli tyhle skolni vylety mely nekale umysly ale nekdy to bylo unavne porad neco odmitat.

Lide zde ziji uplne bez problemu.
Lide zde ziji uplne bez problemu.

Last picture
Egypt 2007
A odpadky se pak zacpou na moste... Proto aby to nebylo videt a lide to tam nehazeli tak vlada planuje kanaly uzavrit aspon tam kudy jezdi turisti.

Guest Book
*The Dino
Penelope, nice to hear from you again and thanks for joining. Did you managed to run Skype? if yous ...

Hey Dino and adela!! i found yr website! haha...Haven't been in contact with yous for soOoo soOo lon...

*The Dino
Great Jock, we are looking forward. Let us know in advance like 2 months before you come so we are n...

Hey, Dino and Adelka Hope all is well with both of you. I will visit you in (your) Spring next y...

jump to Guestbook ...

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