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Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/thedino/domains/ on line 90 These are mine top rated pictures I shoot on my travels arround the world. If you like other pictures on this site you can rate them and move them to this Top 100 rated pictures.
TOP 100 Rated
(By Rating)
Pos. Hits Rating Media Description:
1 20119 10 TN_73.JPG N/A
2 16821 10 Fraser_Island_084.JPG Ostrov Fraser a vrak lodi Moheno.
3 15959 10 Fiji_314.JPG Zapad slunce na Fiji u Golden Point.
4 14400 10 Fiji_120.JPG Klasicka vesnice na Fiji, kde zrovna nejsou ovce ale slepice.
5 16583 10 Fiji_182.JPG Priroda na FIJI ostrovech je opravdu zajimava. My jsem byli na ostrove Nacula.
6 15372 10 Fiji_221.JPG Nacula Island palms.
7 15146 10 Fiji_237.JPG N/A
8 16282 10 Fiji_315.JPG Fiji Sunset close to Golden Point Fiji
9 14609 10 around_aus_111.JPG Waiting for Platypus
10 14727 10 around_aus_115.JPG Millaa Millaa falls
11 15945 10 around_aus_260.JPG Before the storm at Kakadu Northern Teritory Australia
12 14758 10 around_aus_488.JPG N/A
13 15461 10 around_aus_489.JPG N/A
14 15015 10 around_aus_513.JPG The Twelve Apostles - Great Ocean Road
15 15349 10 around_aus_519.JPG Chupa Chups mix
16 15433 10 around_aus_531.JPG Melbourne Shot tower
17 15323 10 around_aus_542.JPG "Loo with the view" (zachodek s vyhledem ve 35. patre melbournskeho hotelu).
18 15023 10 around_aus_543.JPG N/A
19 15631 10 around_aus_579.JPG Trip to Mount Kosciusko
20 17193 10 around_aus_017.JPG Mackay
21 15424 10 around_aus_502.JPG Grat Ocean Road flowers
22 15425 10 around_aus_574.JPG Jezero Hume
23 15027 10 around_aus_583.JPG Mount Kosciusko walk
24 15129 10 Asia_Round_Trip_185.JPG Chram Wat Pho a uvnitr tohoto chramu je lezici budha neboli Recycling budha.
25 15769 10 Asia_Round_Trip_186.JPG Je jeden z nejvetsich a asi nejdrazsich...
26 15262 10 Asia_Round_Trip_215.JPG Emeraldovy budha je uvnitr tohoto chramu ale nedal se vyfotit protoze tam bylo fakt tmavo a plno...
27 14577 10 Asia_Round_Trip_227.JPG Na vrchoku byla opravdova pohoda.
28 14606 10 Asia_Round_Trip_323.JPG N/A
29 16675 10 Asia_Round_Trip_380.JPG Krabici se prohaneli v pisku ostosest.
30 14173 10 Asia_Round_Trip_513.JPG N/A
31 16709 10 New_Zealand_0006.JPG N/A
32 16797 10 New_Zealand_0021.JPG N/A
33 14534 10 New_Zealand_0067.JPG Tohle vse je jen kousek od Dunedinu na polostrove.
34 13853 10 New_Zealand_0069.JPG Pozujici racek
35 14144 10 New_Zealand_0078.JPG Tady meli byt take tuleni a tucnaci ale byly daleko na utesech, ktere nas prekvapily.
36 14001 10 New_Zealand_0102.JPG N/A
37 14021 10 New_Zealand_0105.JPG Pohled na scenu z pana prstenu.
38 13967 10 New_Zealand_0106.JPG Ooooooh
39 14147 10 New_Zealand_0117.JPG N/A
40 14099 10 New_Zealand_0159.JPG N/A
41 14132 10 New_Zealand_0160.JPG N/A
42 14497 10 New_Zealand_0166.JPG N/A
43 14144 10 New_Zealand_0252.JPG Wayne tohle naziva baby kangaroo. Miminko klokana. Je to ve skutecnosti mlada kapradina.
44 13845 10 New_Zealand_0280.JPG A to uz je posledni pohled na zaliv Akaroa.
45 13501 10 New_Zealand_0292.JPG N/A
46 13788 10 New_Zealand_0341.JPG Nadherne cista voda, neni videt ani kde voda konci...
47 14156 10 New_Zealand_0353.JPG Detail...
48 14686 10 New_Zealand_0391.JPG Kapradiny jak z dob Dinosauru.
49 14274 10 New_Zealand_0400.JPG A zas nejaky vodopad v okoli Waitomo Caves.
50 13954 10 Egypt_2007_139.JPG Sunset at Nil river.
51 13758 10 Egypt_2007_147.JPG Sunset at Nil river.
52 13601 10 Egypt_2007_211.JPG A well preserved sphinx at Luxor Temple
53 13702 10 Egypt_2007_238.JPG Prelet hejna nad sloupem.
54 13791 10 Egypt_2007_279.JPG N/A
55 14087 10 Egypt_2007_281.JPG Pojdme si na to poradne posvitit.
56 14150 10 Egypt_2007_282.JPG Bylo tezke neco vyfotit protoze se porad nekdo umyslne plete do zaberu aby pak mohl loudit baksis. Nevim jestli tyhle skolni vylety mely nekale umysly ale nekdy to bylo unavne porad neco odmitat.
57 13640 10 Egypt_2007_287.JPG Tak a jednu pusingu nasi male "Sfinze"
58 14367 10 Thailand_Krabi_417.JPG Na zaver jsme si slona i nakrmili
59 14395 10 Malta_2008_065.JPG Na strese Comino Tower
60 15839 10 Malta_2008_029.JPG the CocaCola side of malta
61 12709 10 Dublim_Ireland_037.JPG Zachodky na Trinity College jsou taky historicke.
62 13996 10 Zell_am_See_Kaprun_027.JP N/A
63 13694 9.5 Egypt_2007_143.JPG Egypt Nil sunset.
64 17069 9 Image04-22.jpg N/A
65 17187 9 Fiji_023.JPG N/A
66 14843 9 Fiji_111.JPG N/A
67 14731 9 Fiji_178.JPG N/A
68 13889 9 Fiji_214.JPG N/A
69 14691 9 Fiji_230.JPG N/A
70 14179 9 Fiji_274.JPG N/A
71 15173 9 around_aus_037.JPG N/A
72 14469 9 around_aus_240.JPG N/A
73 14827 9 around_aus_281.JPG N/A
74 14354 9 around_aus_335.JPG N/A
75 14614 9 around_aus_347.JPG N/A
76 14739 9 around_aus_350.JPG N/A
77 14735 9 around_aus_485.JPG N/A
78 14173 9 around_aus_494.JPG Krasne mesto k prenocovan
79 14335 9 around_aus_504.JPG N/A
80 13997 9 around_aus_546.JPG N/A
81 14405 9 around_aus_557.JPG N/A
82 14635 9 around_aus_558.JPG N/A
83 14383 9 around_aus_053.JPG N/A
84 14436 9 around_aus_092.JPG "Domecek" primo na plazi
85 14378 9 around_aus_170.JPG N/A
86 13806 9 around_aus_229.JPG N/A
87 14194 9 around_aus_352.JPG N/A
88 13855 9 around_aus_463.JPG N/A
89 16523 9 Asia_Round_Trip_117.JPG N/A
90 17303 9 Asia_Round_Trip_180.JPG N/A
91 14517 9 Asia_Round_Trip_210.JPG N/A
92 14813 9 Asia_Round_Trip_224.JPG Klasicky pohlednicovy obrazek.
93 14914 9 Asia_Round_Trip_236.JPG V Thajsku a jinych azijskych zemich se stale pouzivaji vratne lahve.
94 14493 9 Asia_Round_Trip_332.JPG Ta nadoba v pozadi je popelnice a ty jsou docela casto videt v nekterych castech Thajska. Pravdepodobne se v tom odpad rovnou spaluje.
95 14926 9 Asia_Round_Trip_340.JPG Taky od tebe nic nekoupime!!!
96 19552 9 Asia_Round_Trip_224.JPG N/A
97 14696 9 Asia_Round_Trip_077.JPG N/A
98 16732 9 Asia_Round_Trip_408.JPG Vietnam nas sokoval hned nekolikrat. Jizda na motocyklu ve ctyrech je normalni. Lide jezdi klidne v obleku a samozrejme bez helmy.
99 15175 9 Asia_Round_Trip_660.JPG Strycek Ho na vas kouka za kazdym rohem, nikdo si z nej ale nic nedela... O udrzbu travniku se stara zena s hadici... Ma co delat, takove zalivani obrovskeho parku muze byt prace na plny uvazek.
100 15257 9 Asia_Round_Trip_674.JPG Na kolech jsme videli vozit lecos ale prodavat akvarijni rybicky jeste ne.

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Around Australia


Malta 2008


Egypt 2007
Potapecska lod.
Potapecska lod.

Ze slonu nas po rece vzali na bambusovych raftech.
Ze slonu nas po rece vzali na bambusovych raftech.

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Egypt 2007
A odpadky se pak zacpou na moste... Proto aby to nebylo videt a lide to tam nehazeli tak vlada planuje kanaly uzavrit aspon tam kudy jezdi turisti.

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Penelope, nice to hear from you again and thanks for joining. Did you managed to run Skype? if yous ...

Hey Dino and adela!! i found yr website! haha...Haven't been in contact with yous for soOoo soOo lon...

*The Dino
Great Jock, we are looking forward. Let us know in advance like 2 months before you come so we are n...

Hey, Dino and Adelka Hope all is well with both of you. I will visit you in (your) Spring next y...

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