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Some changes in photo gallery
Posted by: thedino on
Fotogalerie I was playing with the gallery lately and made some cosmetic changes.I did little bit of SEO - Search Engine Optimization. So now the links look more static and are easier to read. I also adjusted the TITLE tag so you can see different TITLE o­n every page. That should be helpfull in future when there will be visitors comming from Search Engines. More visitors I get more chance to make some money. I have already so good results for some keywords but it is only because there is no real competition for these keywords and also beacouse I am using sometimes two languages Czech and English o­n o­ne page.
I have added few features to photo galleryThe most interesting is the possibility to send an eCard. So if you like some picture you can just send it to some of your friends via email for FREE. I hope I dont get spammed because I see these days many emails with eCards and most are sent by BOTs so it is all SPAM.Other think in gallery is possibility to order pictures online. I am not going to get rich but I am just playying with this since this plugin is not finished and me myself dont have time and resources to finish it probably but you can try to order some picture.Basicly you would have to write me anyway what picture you would like and I send it by email. I am charging money because it takes some time to find the picture in my archives.I also made some design adjustments. It just looks little bit better I hope.If you have something in mind or some suggestion plese let me know I will try to change, add or remove.
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Re: Some changes in photo gallery

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