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Australian signs
BBQ New Farm
Beata wedding
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EKKA 2004
Fraser Island
Adelka Graduace
Hail Storm
Mike and Hisae wedding
Lamington NP
Maritime museum
Outback: NP Girraween...
Ozzie BBQ
Shafston Cambridge
Kysyho fotky
Vánoce, Christmas 2004
Vylet cislo 1
Vylet cislo 2
Vylet cislo 3 - AirShow
Vylet cislo 4 - Glasshouse Mou
Výlet na Sunshine Coast
Wayne Farm II
West End Market
Whales watching
Diego pics
Stefan And Lawrence
The Gabba Stadium
Czech Republic
cajkarna sraz 2006
Ceske Budejovice a AU sraz
Deti 2
Ostravsko Tour
sraz au lukas
Sraz MZLU 2007
Trebon deti3
Wayne Visit in Czech Republic
Fiji 2005
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Gallery Home >> Austrálie

Adelka Graduace (29)
Tak nam Adelka a jeji spoluzacky dostudovala a je ted zase o neco chytrejsi.
BBQ New Farm (24)
Nase prvni soukrome Barbeque neboli parecky opekane nekde venku nejlepe na verejnosti. Na nove Farme asi 10 minut jízdy na kole. A jeste nejake okoli.<br>
Our firs private BBQ at the New Farm
Beata wedding (35)
Betty se nam vdala a tak jsme se na to museli jít podívat. Samozrejme jsme byli pozvani.
CityCat Tour (53)
Jednoho dne jsme se vydali s Adelkou na projizdku mistni rychlolodi.
cricket (5)
Tak jsme se jednou vydali na stadion, kde normalne pracujeme, taky jen podívat jako divaci. Samozrejme zadarmo. Bohuzel hra skoncila prekvapive rychle. Hral se Kriket Australi vs Novy Zeland.<br> Our free Cricket game at The Gabba Australia vs New Zeland.
CZ Party (19)
Tak jsme se konecne sesli a i v nasem domecku provedli party, ktera se vydarila.
domecek (78)
Tak tohle je nas domecek a vse co se kolem nej deje. Hlavne zahradka, kde pestujeme okurky a melouny.<br> Our big house and garden with water melons and cucambers.
Dreamworld (41)
Tak na tenhle vylet jsem se hodil marod jinak bychom se o vikendech mackali ve frontach a nebylo by to ono. Adelka dostala k narozeninam zajezd do Dreamworldu (spousta kolotocu a vodnich skluzavek). Vyskovy limit byl vsude pod 2m ale nastesti me nemerily takze jsme na neco sli i 2x.<br> Dreamworld expedition - Adelka's birthday gift.
EKKA 2004 (60)
Ekka 2004 je neco jako Zeme Zivitelka, Spotrebni Veletrh a jeste dostihove zavody a jine vystavy dohromady. Stoji asi za to se tam jit podivat kdyz uz na to maji Brisbenane i den volna. <br>
We have visited Ekka2004 and we enjoyed it. Loads of testings and other free stuff.
Fraser Island (110)
UNESCO, nejvetsi pisecny ostrov na svete zdolan!
Hail Storm (6)
Tak se nam tu prehnala boure asi s 45 minutovým krupobytim a napadlo asi 10 cm krup. Strecha domu na to neni stavena tak tu trochu i prselo.<br> Hail storm 45 minutes long.
Lamington NP (48)
UNESCO narodni park Lamington. Tridenni vylet Ferdou.
Maritime museum (32)
Po vice nez roce jsme se sli podivat do Namorniho muzea v Brisbane a to i diky tomu, ze byla specialni cena za projizdku jedinym funkcnim parnim remorkerem na svete.
Mike and Hisae wedding (52)
We were invited to wedding by our classmate Hisae. Ceremony was in wedding resort nearby Gold Coast an reception on the top of one hotel at Palm Beach.<br>
Byli jsme pozvani na svatbu Isy a Mika, Isa s nami chodila kdysi do tridy. Obrad byl kousek od GoldCoast a recepce (oslava) na strese jedno hotelu na Palm Beach.
Outback: NP Girraween... (86)
Vylet s Waynem do vnitrozemi a narodního parku Girraween, Bald Rock a jinych. Asi 270km od Brisbane. Po 15ti letech dalsi Waynuv kamping.
Our trip with Wayne to National Park Girraween
Ozzie BBQ (13)
Nasi kamaradi z prace nas pozvali na opravdove Australske Barbeque.
<br>Real BBQ with Jock and Greg. Realy good!!!
Redcliffe (33)
Vylodeni anglicanu v Australii. Kazdorocni slavnost prilaka nekolik Australanu.
Shafston Cambridge (31)
My and my wifes cambridge class pictures from the last day of our course.<br>
Fotecky z nasich trid z posledniho dne studia.
Sydney (197)
Novorocni vylet do Sydney, kde jsme stravili nadhernych 5 dni s Kysym.<br>
5 Days in Sydney with Kysy.
Tasmania (191)
Osmidenni vylet do Tasmanie. Okruh priblizne 2000km dlouhy.
Vánoce, Christmas 2004 (52)
Vanoce aneb predvanocni party a vanoce po cesku, po Australsku a tak vubec.<br> Christmas parties, Czech Chrismas Eve, Australian Christmas etc.
Vylet cislo 1 (70)
Vylet s Martinkou a Dusanem a jejich autem na jih do hor a k mori se stanem od Wayna.
Vylet cislo 2 (35)
Druhy vylet pres noc na Stradbroke island s Martinkou a Dusanem. Ubytovani v Karavanu u Dusanovych znamych.
Vylet cislo 3 - AirShow (41)
Vylet do Caboolture na letiste, kde bylo AirShow s historickyma i modernima letadlama. Nechybela trocha auticek a zabava.<br>
AirShow at the Caboolture airport.
Vylet cislo 4 - Glasshouse Mou (49)
Narozeniny kralovny Alzbety jsme oslavili vyletem do hor. Tentokrat jsme se vnutili do auta k nasemu novemu madarskemu kamaradovi.<br>
Trip to the Glasshouse Mountains with Jacob and our new Hungarian friend Peter.
Výlet na Sunshine Coast (57)
Tak jsme si udelali cas a vydali vlakem a autobusem na sever (Sunshine Coast) Maroochydore a Moolooka plaze. Bylo to po dlouhe dobe, co jsme nikde zustali pres noc.<br> Sunshine coast trip to Maroochydore and Moolooka. River cruise and beaches.
Wayne Farm II (13)
Po druhe jsme se s Waynem jeli podivat k jeho mamince na farmu s klokany, lamy, papousky, kravami, hady a jinymi Australskymi zviratky.
West End Market (11)
Martinek s Renatkou nas zavezli na trh s levnym ovocem a zeleninou. Zalibil se nam sortiment i ceny (nizsi nez v CR), takze od te doby nakupujeme vitaminy jedine tam.<br>
Shopping cheap fruit and vegetables with Martin and Renata in the West End market.
Whales watching (84)
Tak a tohle je pozorovani verlyb. Stalo to dost penez ale taky to stalo za to. Celodenní vylet s dopravou a stravou verlybama a delfinama, které jsem nejak nestih protoze jsem zrovna jedl.
Whales watching in Moreton Bay.
Work (71)

Studijne pracovni pobyt spojeny s druhou svatebni cestou a trosku delsi dovolenou. Od 11.11.2003 zatím v asi nejkrasnejsim meste Australie - Brisbane. Studium a odbornou pomoc poskytuje
Australia studiing and working experience and honey-moon together.

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Around Australia
Asia Round Trip 01-02.2006
Kuala Lumpur
Australian signs
BBQ New Farm
Beata wedding
CityCat Tour
CZ Party
EKKA 2004
Fraser Island
Adelka Graduace
Hail Storm
Mike and Hisae wedding
Lamington NP
Maritime museum
Outback: NP Girraween...
Ozzie BBQ
Shafston Cambridge
Kysyho fotky
Vánoce, Christmas 2004
Vylet cislo 1
Vylet cislo 2
Vylet cislo 3 - AirShow
Vylet cislo 4 - Glasshouse Mou
Výlet na Sunshine Coast
Wayne Farm II
West End Market
Whales watching
Diego pics
Stefan And Lawrence
The Gabba Stadium
Czech Republic
A1 GP Brno 2007
Letecky den Brno CIAF 2008
cajkarna sraz 2006
Ceske Budejovice a AU sraz
Daf narozky
deti (*)
Deti 2 (*)
deti brno prehrada 2008 (*)
Deti v Brne a ZOO
deti Budejovice nakupni centru (*)
Dino a devcata MZLU
GoodBye Novartis Team building
Vylet na kolech kolem Stitar
Let Letadlem okolo Olomouce
mlynska (*)
MP na Mlynske 1 (*)
M_Propag_06_06 (*)
Okoli Rymarova
Ostravsko Tour
Pizzerie deti4 (*)
Silvestr 2008
Bitva u Slavkova 2008
Slavkov u Brna
sraz au lukas
Sraz MZLU 2007
Team bulding Modra ruze (*)
Trebic vylet s mamkou
Trebon deti3
Hrad Veveri a vystava Aut
Wayne Visit in Czech Republic
Farewell IBM party
Zamek Oslavany Vylet
Zaos Svatba
Egypt 2007
Fiji 2005
Ireland Dublin 2009
Istanbul 2009
Malta 2000
Malta 2008
New Zealand
Singapore Malaysie
Svatba A+R Pokorní/Wedding Day
Svatební cesta / HoneyMoon
Thailand 2008
Zell am See and Kaprun 2008
ZOO Olomouc (*)
Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 12440

Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 12565

Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 11973

Letiste na dlani 1
Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 11722

Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 12815

Zima na letisti v Praze
Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 11514

Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 12365

Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 13382

Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 12406

Pretup mezi terminaly na...
Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 13767

Londyn, 8mi hodinova pauza
Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 12621

Qantas, opravdu lepsi nez...
Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 11819

Londyn tesne pred odletem
Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 12622

Hlavni jidlo v letadle....
Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 13388

Adelka veceri
Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 12466

Salatek k hl. jidlu, olivky,...
Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 13907

Balicek dobrutek na cestu
Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 12006

Australie zvrchu
Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 12741

Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 12706

Zenuska hrajici hry,ano slo...
Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 13482

Reka Brisbane
Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 12448

Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 12972

Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 12275

Cesta mikrobusem do hostelu
Added : 24.11.2003

Rating : -

Comments : 0

Orders : 0

Hits : 12428

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Random Picture
Around Australia
A zpatky v Queenslandu
A zpatky v Queenslandu

Malta 2008
Balluta bay, Sliema
Balluta bay, Sliema

Egypt 2007
Po balonech jsme sli na dalsi prohlidku chramu Karnak.
Po balonech jsme sli na dalsi prohlidku chramu Karnak.



Last picture
Egypt 2007
A odpadky se pak zacpou na moste... Proto aby to nebylo videt a lide to tam nehazeli tak vlada planuje kanaly uzavrit aspon tam kudy jezdi turisti.

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*The Dino
Penelope, nice to hear from you again and thanks for joining. Did you managed to run Skype? if yous ...

Hey Dino and adela!! i found yr website! haha...Haven't been in contact with yous for soOoo soOo lon...

*The Dino
Great Jock, we are looking forward. Let us know in advance like 2 months before you come so we are n...

Hey, Dino and Adelka Hope all is well with both of you. I will visit you in (your) Spring next y...

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