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Around Australia
Asia Round Trip 01-02.2006
Kuala Lumpur
Australian signs
BBQ New Farm
Beata wedding
CityCat Tour
CZ Party
EKKA 2004
Fraser Island
Adelka Graduace
Hail Storm
Mike and Hisae wedding
Lamington NP
Maritime museum
Outback: NP Girraween...
Ozzie BBQ
Shafston Cambridge
Kysyho fotky
Vánoce, Christmas 2004
Vylet cislo 1
Vylet cislo 2
Vylet cislo 3 - AirShow
Vylet cislo 4 - Glasshouse Mou
Výlet na Sunshine Coast
Wayne Farm II
West End Market
Whales watching
Diego pics
Stefan And Lawrence
The Gabba Stadium
Czech Republic
cajkarna sraz 2006
Ceske Budejovice a AU sraz
Deti 2
Ostravsko Tour
sraz au lukas
Sraz MZLU 2007
Trebon deti3
Wayne Visit in Czech Republic
Fiji 2005
New Zealand
Caving Waitomo Caves
Wayne NZ
Singapore Malaysie
Svatba A+R Pokorní/Wedding Day
Svatební cesta / HoneyMoon
Round Trip
Grand Canyon
Joshua Tree
Las Vegas
LA Universal Studios
San Francisco
Seqoia NP
San Diego
Bike Shop
Festival Of Sail
Pedi Cab
Sea World
Tichuana Mexico
ZOO Olomouc

Preferred language:

English cesky

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Around Australia Around Australia (469)
Okolo Australie za 2 mesice. Teda jen vychodni pulka. 17000km a jen $2500 za benzin. Tohle nejsou vsechny fotky, kdo chce videt vic (300+) tak ma tu moznost.
Asia Round Trip 01-02.2006 Asia Round Trip 01-02.2006 (581)
Nase tura po Asii mela 4 casti. Prvni cast by Singapore, kde jsme velkou cast stravili s nasi Asijskou sestrou Penelope u jejich rodiny. Dale jsme se jeli podivat do KL, Thajska a nakonec do Vietnamu. celkem nam to zabralo 6 tydnu. Cestovani bylo pomoci mistnich levnych leteckych linek Tigerarways a AirAsia.
Australian signs Australian signs (60)
Tak tady je par znacek, ktere se daji videt po ceste kolem Austalie. Nekdy aby se clovek opravdu bal...
Austrálie Austrálie (1935)
Studijne pracovni pobyt spojeny s druhou svatebni cestou a trosku delsi dovolenou. Od 11.11.2003 zatím v asi nejkrasnejsim meste Australie - Brisbane. Studium a odbornou pomoc poskytuje
Australia studiing and working experience and honey-moon together.
Czech Republic Czech Republic (2110)
Fotky z Ceske Republiky, exoticka zeme uprostred Evropy... :)

Pictures from the Czech Republic after we came from Australia.
Egypt 2007 Egypt 2007 (394)
S Adelkou jsme se konecne poslali na dovolenou a rovnou do Egypta na poznavaci zajezd od Exim tours. Protoze jinak lezet dlouho u more bez moznosti nekam jit nas moc nebavi. A prave v Egypte jsou hotely daleko od mest a neni tam co delat az na nejake potapeni a mistni vylety. Takze jeto nase prvni vetsi organizovana dovolena.

Me and Adela goes for the round trip arround Egypt with tourist Agency.
Fiji 2005 Fiji 2005 (302)
Jeli jsme se zahrat na Fiji. V Australii uz je docela zima!
Ireland Dublin 2009 Ireland Dublin 2009 (138)
Byl jsem vyslan na sluzebni cestu do Dublinu a zbyl tam den a pul na trochu turistiky. Takze jsem se do toho poradne obul a navstivil vse co se da.

Thanks to my business trip to Dublin I could visit some places and do things that normal tourists do.
Istanbul 2009 Istanbul 2009 (126)
Mel jsem mimo praci trosku casu a probehl si Istanbul a to jak Evropskou tak i Asijskou cast. Ale je tam toho mnohem vic na videni a tech mych par hodin na to vubec nestacilo. K nasati mistni atmosfery to ale trochu stacilo.

I managed in few hours to see Istanbul and its most beautiful sightseeings. So business trip to Turkey was luckily not only work and hotel.
London London (57)
Nahodou jsme vyhrali s Adelkou jizdenku do Londyna a takhle to tam vypadalo. Bohuzel medvidek uz je delsi dobu nezvestny. (Foceno Digitálním dinosaurem CASIO QV10).
We won bus tickets to London and these are pictures by my very old digital camera. Tedy bear is now missing:-((.
Malta 2000 Malta 2000 (57)
Navsteva ostrova Malta v lete r2000. Opravdu pekny ostrov. Fotky jsou naskenovane z klasickych fotografii.
Summer 2000 on island Malta. Pictures are scanned photographs.
Malta 2008 Malta 2008 (117)
Posledni srpnovy vikend jsme si zaleteli na Maltu... Umoznila to velmi levna letenka z nejake akce od student agency. Ubytovani jsme na tech par noci museli rezervovat pres internet.

Cheap airticket from Student Agency let us go for longer weekend last week in August.
New Zealand New Zealand (529)
3 tydny na Novem Zelandu jsme stravili splocne i s Waynem. 2 tydny ve trech osobach na jiznim ostrove v pronajatem Fordu Econovan MAXI od firmy Wicked. 1 tyden na severnim ostrove uz jen (konecne) ve dvou.
Singapore Malaysie Singapore Malaysie (106)
S bratrem jsme se jeli podivat do Singapuru a Malaisie diky levnym letenkam od GTS. Bohuzel jsme meli jen 12 dni na procestovani obou zemi.
Me and my brother in Singapore and Malaysia, with air tickets from GTS. We had only 12 days for travelling.
Svatba A+R Pokorní/Wedding Day Svatba A+R Pokorní/Wedding Day (110)
Nase svatba v bazilice sv. Prokopa v Trebici dne 13. zari 2003. Svatební hostina se konala na Sadku asi 12km od Trebice.
Svatební cesta / HoneyMoon Svatební cesta / HoneyMoon (124)
Svatebni cesta do Cerne hory. 19. zari 2003. Hotel v Baru a vylety do stareho baru (pesky), Budvy a Sv. Stefanu (lodi za 10E).

Honney Moon in Montenegro with trips to Old Bar, Budva and St. Stefan. 19th September.
Thailand 2008 Thailand 2008 (344)
Delsi dovolenou jsem tento rok stravili v Thajsku. Planovane to nebylo ale dostali nas tam velmi levne letenky od Letenka pak vysla na presne 11.000,- zpatecni na osobu vcetne vsech moznych a nemoznych poplatku. Jediny problem byl, ze se letelo z Mnichova ale to jsme brali jako 2 denni vylet pres rakousko a nemecko autem a pak parkovali na letisti za celkem 66EUR za 15 dni. V Thajsku jsme namirili VIP busem do Krabi a okolnich letovisek. Vse ostatni se organizovalo az na miste.

Trip to Thailand was done because of cheap airtickets from Germany/Muenchen. All the res we organized once we got to Bangkog.
Thassos Thassos (141)
Dovolena v Recku na ostrove Thassos. Celkem 10 noci s polopenzi od Brnenske cestovky CK Brenna. Vse probehlo bez problemu a s maximalni spokojenosti.

Vacation in Greek island Thassos for 10 nights.
Usa2002 Usa2002 (340)
Work and travel student exchange program, zastoupeny Student Agency, mě a Adelku dostal az do USA a to az na zapadni pobrezi. Zde jsou pak fotky ze San Diega a zapadu USA, kde jsme stravili leto 2002.
WAT get me and Adelka to USA west coast in summer 2002.
Zell am See and Kaprun 2008 Zell am See and Kaprun 2008 (70)
Silvestr jsme oslavili sportovne v Rakouskem Zell am See, kam nas vytahli kamaradi. Ubytovani, jidlo a pocasi bylo super a priste jedem zas.

We spent new year (2009) vacation near Zell am See - Austria and everything was perfect.
ZOO Olomouc ZOO Olomouc (42) (*)
Adelka a ja na vylete po rodne Hane. Navsteva Olomoucke ZOO a hradu Bouzov.
Me and Adelka in Olomouc ZOO and castle Bouzov.(By Digital Camera Casio Qv-10A)
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Around Australia


Malta 2008
Malta Sliema, Balluta bay church.
Malta Sliema, Balluta bay church.



Cervici rostou...
Cervici rostou...

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Egypt 2007
A odpadky se pak zacpou na moste... Proto aby to nebylo videt a lide to tam nehazeli tak vlada planuje kanaly uzavrit aspon tam kudy jezdi turisti.

Guest Book
*The Dino
Penelope, nice to hear from you again and thanks for joining. Did you managed to run Skype? if yous ...

Hey Dino and adela!! i found yr website! haha...Haven't been in contact with yous for soOoo soOo lon...

*The Dino
Great Jock, we are looking forward. Let us know in advance like 2 months before you come so we are n...

Hey, Dino and Adelka Hope all is well with both of you. I will visit you in (your) Spring next y...

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