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My personal page and Travel Journal

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Gallery Categories
Around Australia
Asia Round Trip 01-02.2006
Kuala Lumpur
Australian signs
BBQ New Farm
Beata wedding
CityCat Tour
CZ Party
EKKA 2004
Fraser Island
Adelka Graduace
Hail Storm
Mike and Hisae wedding
Lamington NP
Maritime museum
Outback: NP Girraween...
Ozzie BBQ
Shafston Cambridge
Kysyho fotky
Vánoce, Christmas 2004
Vylet cislo 1
Vylet cislo 2
Vylet cislo 3 - AirShow
Vylet cislo 4 - Glasshouse Mou
Výlet na Sunshine Coast
Wayne Farm II
West End Market
Whales watching
Diego pics
Stefan And Lawrence
The Gabba Stadium
Czech Republic
cajkarna sraz 2006
Ceske Budejovice a AU sraz
Deti 2
Ostravsko Tour
sraz au lukas
Sraz MZLU 2007
Trebon deti3
Wayne Visit in Czech Republic
Fiji 2005
New Zealand
Caving Waitomo Caves
Wayne NZ
Singapore Malaysie
Svatba A+R Pokorní/Wedding Day
Svatební cesta / HoneyMoon
Round Trip
Grand Canyon
Joshua Tree
Las Vegas
LA Universal Studios
San Francisco
Seqoia NP
San Diego
Bike Shop
Festival Of Sail
Pedi Cab
Sea World
Tichuana Mexico
ZOO Olomouc

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Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/thedino/domains/ on line 90

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Nejlépe hodnocené soubory 25

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Random Picture
Fiji 2005


Thailand 2008
Opicky na plazi
Opicky na plazi

Fraser Island
Vecerni prochazka po plazi. Namocit si muzete pouze nohy, protoze koupani v oceanu je tu zakazane kvuli meduzam a zralokum :(
Vecerni prochazka po plazi. Namocit si muzete pouze nohy, protoze koupani v oceanu je tu zakazane kvuli meduzam a zralokum :(

San Diego


Last picture
Egypt 2007
A odpadky se pak zacpou na moste... Proto aby to nebylo videt a lide to tam nehazeli tak vlada planuje kanaly uzavrit aspon tam kudy jezdi turisti.

Guest Book
*The Dino
Penelope, nice to hear from you again and thanks for joining. Did you managed to run Skype? if yous ...

Hey Dino and adela!! i found yr website! haha...Haven't been in contact with yous for soOoo soOo lon...

*The Dino
Great Jock, we are looking forward. Let us know in advance like 2 months before you come so we are n...

Hey, Dino and Adelka Hope all is well with both of you. I will visit you in (your) Spring next y...

jump to Guestbook ...

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